vrijdag 8 januari 2010

Old Albert Heijn commercial from 1936

This is a commercial from the Albert Heijn from 1936 probably one of the first commercials their was from the AH. Because only a few people had a television in that time they played this commercial in the cinema.

This is not a commercial with a problem they want to solve in it. The purpose of this commercial is brand extension, that is why you hear the brand name AH that much. The target group of this commercial are especially women, because in that time women did the shopping. The unique selling point of this commercial is also the slogan of this commercial: AH! They show you the evolution from hunters to supermarket while they let you hear the yell: AH. The association from AH as brand and aha as a yell, makes it that people will associate the word ah with the company AH. This extends the brand Albert Heijn. The influence that this commercial would have on people in that time would probably be, that the mom will talk about it to other moms and will be proud that she does the groceries at a store which had enough money to do a commercial.

Have a break have a kitkat!

This is the commercial of Kitkat with the man who sings: we will rock you, when he takes a bite of his Kitkat.

In this commercial Kitkat wants to solve a problem. The problem of what to eat in your lunch break. Kitkat solves the problem with their snack. In the commercial you can see that the men gets a lot of energy after eating the snack. That is also a thing they wanted to show. The target group they have based on this commercial are: working people, who have breaks and like to take a snack which gives them energy. The benefits of the product will show in the commercial as: giving energy and being really nice. The people Kitkat wants to associate them with the brand, for men they want people who think of themselves as people who can do more than that they will show on the outside. As in the commercial when you see a men of which you wouldn't think he can sing that good but with the help of a Kitkat it all comes out of him. For women they have the girl in the commercial who doesn't want to do anything special besides enjoying the snack.

1850 nummerinformatie

This is the commercial about "1850 nummerinformatie"

The problem the company wants to solve is that when people wants to call somebody they can call 1850 and they will search the number for them.
The purpose of this commercial is that people know about 1850. They are trying to do that with sexy girls so that men will watch the hole commercial and don't switch channels.
The target group of 1850 is men and women above 18 years who has access to a car and a phone. A lot of women won't watch the commercial because they it is sexists, but because most men will watch the commercial they will talk about it to their wifes or girlfriends.
What they are trying to do is to let men associate themselves with the men in the commercial. So that they can forget about everything and just relax, because 1850 will take care of all their problems.
The benefit 1850 has to offer is: quick service for a low price. The influence this commercial has on people their social lives was a lot. Because if somebody nowadays can't come up with a number, there will always be somebody who comes up with 1850.

HI chatman

This is an old commercial from Hi but this is a really good example of the target group they have.

There isn't a problem that Hi solves for their target group this commercial is just for the publicity. The commercial purpose of this commercial is making the target group alert of the existence of HI. The target group that HI has are especially young people. That's why they made a commercial that really stands out from other commercials. The suit of Chatman and the song that they are playing makes it attractive to young people. At the end of the commercial they show their product they are trying to sell. It is a service for MSN on your mobile phone, MSN is a chat program that young people often use, which strengthens the choice for the target group. The commercial slogan of HI were not words but a person: "Chatman". He was a fictive person who stood for the Internet services of HI. The social influence this commercial has was very large, a lot of people were talking about it and not only the target group but also "old people". They made a chatrobot version of Chatman which had automatic respond answers, that you could add to your buddies on MSN.

donderdag 7 januari 2010

"Even Apeldoorn bellen"

This is the commercial from Centraal Beheer Achmea an insurance company, this commercial was on air at the world cup football 2006. Solomon Kalou wanted to become a Hollander so that he could play in the National team of the Netherlands. But Rita Verdonk didn't approved that so he couldn't come.

This commercial doesn't solve a problem that people may have. It is just a commercial to enlarge the public awareness of the brand Centraal Beheer Achmea. The target group for this commercial isn't a specific segment, they are trying to reach everybody who watches TV. The benefits that Achmea has to offer, are that when you have problems you just have to call them and they will solve everything. The company also has a commercial slogan: "Even Apeldoorn bellen". They used this slogan as their commercial Pitch to attract people to their insurance company. With this commercial they are trying to let people associate problems with Achmea and therefore get a higher market share. The social influence this commercial had on society was a lot because people where talking about it often.

maandag 4 januari 2010

Sorry for the kredietcrisis

This time I have chosen for the commercial of Cup-a-Soup, where they apologize for the kredietcrisis. It is a real feeling good commercial.

The problem that comes forward in the commercial is that people no longer only should think about their self but instead they should think of everybody. Cup A Soup has the solution a new and improved formula, which contains more flavour and was made with more feeling. With this they are trying to create a special feeling for the costumers, that the company is really sorry for the things that happened. They are hoping that with this commercial people will think, that the right thing to do is buying the improved Cup A Soup and associate creating a good feeling with Cup A Soup. The message that they want to give is really clear and besides that they bring a new and improved product on to the market

The strong point of this commercial is: The feeling they are trying to create.
The weakness of this commercial is: It doesn't stand out from all the other commercials and thereby doesn't get a lot of mouth-to-mouth publicity.

Bavaria walk in fridge

This time I have chosen for the parody off the walk in fridge from Heineken.
It is almost the same commercial, except that one men doesn't care about the walk in fridge he just locks them up inside and enjoys a Bavaria with lots of women.

What Bavaria is trying to do with this commercial is creating a feeling for the beer. A no nonsense kind of thing, that is also why their commercial slogan is only one word; Zo. With this strategy they are trying to get to a special segment of the market, not the people who drink beer only because it is beer. But people who like to relax and take a beer. The brand association that people have with Bavaria isn't how Bavaria people want to see their brand. So they did this parody in the hope that people will make the connection with Heineken and will think that Bavaria also a quality beer is.
The strong points of this commercial are the association with Heineken and the Humour. The weaknesses are that some people will think that the company can't come up with their own commercials and therefore copies the Heineken commercial.