vrijdag 8 januari 2010

1850 nummerinformatie

This is the commercial about "1850 nummerinformatie"

The problem the company wants to solve is that when people wants to call somebody they can call 1850 and they will search the number for them.
The purpose of this commercial is that people know about 1850. They are trying to do that with sexy girls so that men will watch the hole commercial and don't switch channels.
The target group of 1850 is men and women above 18 years who has access to a car and a phone. A lot of women won't watch the commercial because they it is sexists, but because most men will watch the commercial they will talk about it to their wifes or girlfriends.
What they are trying to do is to let men associate themselves with the men in the commercial. So that they can forget about everything and just relax, because 1850 will take care of all their problems.
The benefit 1850 has to offer is: quick service for a low price. The influence this commercial has on people their social lives was a lot. Because if somebody nowadays can't come up with a number, there will always be somebody who comes up with 1850.

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