vrijdag 8 januari 2010

Old Albert Heijn commercial from 1936

This is a commercial from the Albert Heijn from 1936 probably one of the first commercials their was from the AH. Because only a few people had a television in that time they played this commercial in the cinema.

This is not a commercial with a problem they want to solve in it. The purpose of this commercial is brand extension, that is why you hear the brand name AH that much. The target group of this commercial are especially women, because in that time women did the shopping. The unique selling point of this commercial is also the slogan of this commercial: AH! They show you the evolution from hunters to supermarket while they let you hear the yell: AH. The association from AH as brand and aha as a yell, makes it that people will associate the word ah with the company AH. This extends the brand Albert Heijn. The influence that this commercial would have on people in that time would probably be, that the mom will talk about it to other moms and will be proud that she does the groceries at a store which had enough money to do a commercial.

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